The adjudicators of earlier student festivals left these comments and suggestions for the playwrights.

Write from the heart. Have passion about the topic.
Be willing to take on the hard things in your life and put them on stage with sensitivity.
Don’t be afraid to challenge society and its norms.
Always remember that in the arts, you are writing for a wide audience.
Have a strong point of view and something vital to say on a topic of interest important to you.
It’s an artistic challenge to tell a whole story in ten minutes. It’s worth the time and effort.
Have your play take place in one setting and one time period. A ten-minute play is too short for multiple scenes, especially with set changes.
Develop a conflict and then resolve it. Don’t make it too easy for the audience to figure things out
Establish motivation for your characters. Give them each a distinctive voice.
Have something happen on stage. The audience needs to see that a revelation of a character or characters has occurred.
Make the dialogue believable. Often, characters shouldn’t say what they are really thinking. Let the audience figure it out from what they do or what others say to them or about them.
Try to have a little humor in the play. It helps the audience stay interested.
Don’t resolve the story too simply.
Don’t be afraid to rewrite. Find a trusted friend or mentor to give feedback.
Work to build a group of like-minded artists to be your friends.
Keep writing from the heart!
The theatre needs your ideas, your voice, your vision!
Continue to write!